
Skincare at Home

In a world of tight schedules, chemically-laden products, high anxiety, and environmental toxin overload, it is impossible for our skin not to feel and show the effects of it all. Thankfully, by building some good daily habits, you can maintain your skin’s natural beauty in the comfort of your own home. Keep reading to get some tips and simple at-home methods to reduce stress, maintain your radiant skin, and decrease the signs of aging.

Cleansing Your Skin

The first step in caring for your skin is to properly cleanse it. Perspiration, grease, make-up, sunscreen, dirt, and bacteria all collect on your skin and need to be completely removed. There are many different skin types; oily, dry, sensitive, and combination as well as a number of skin conditions that can be addressed through the use of skincare products. Different cleansers do better with each individual type based on the pH and other varying factors. Your cleansers will clean the skin, open the pores, and allow for the skin to best absorb the products you are going to apply. When you wear make-up and sunscreen, you will want to first use a cleanser that is an effective makeup remover to get the majority of the make-up off your face prior to deep cleansing. This is best accomplished with a cream, cleansing oil, or balm, as the oil in these products will clean your face gently, without stripping you of natural oils. Once your makeup is removed, you can focus your additional cleansing effort on working the product more thoroughly into the skin.

To properly cleanse a makeup free face, wet the face with lukewarm water. Apply the cleanser that is best for your skin type on your face and neck and gently massage in a circular, upward motion. Remove by using a damp washcloth and warm water to ensure all of the residue is removed from the face.

Toning Your Skin

Next, tone your skin using a toner that is appropriate for your skin condition and skincare goals. For sensitive skin, botanical based toners may be appropriate whereas acne prone skin may benefit from a toner containing salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is a Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHA). There are a number of Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) available in various strengths that provide benefit to the skin through a chemical exfoliation effect.  Toning is important because it helps remove any remaining greasiness on your skin after the cleansing process is complete. It helps to close pores and maintain the skin’s natural pH, and if you intend to use makeup, it leaves a smooth clean texture which will hold foundation and powder much longer.

Hydrate and Moisturize Your Skin

Nourishing your skin by applying products that hydrate and moisturize is an essential part of any beauty routine. Dirt, dust, hot and cold weather, cosmetics, and sunlight, all tend to dry out the skin, robbing it of moisture and oil. Skin hydrating and moisturizing serums and creams replenish hydration and protect the skin, reviving its natural health. Different moisturizers work well for different skin types. Products focused on hydration are primarily used to add and attract water to the skin. An example of hydrating ingredients include hyaluronic acid, glycerin, and hydrolyzed plant proteins. Oils used alone do not enhance hydration. Oils condition the outermost layer of skin and form a protective barrier that prevents moisture loss. Using products that hydrate and moisturize will keep the skin at its healthiest.


A facial is a great way of cleansing, reviving, and brightening faded skin, leaving the skin light, soft and glowing. A facial also does a thorough job of relaxing frazzled nerves so that you emerge not only looking younger but also feeling fresher and more relaxed. Professional facials are amazing, but a facial at home once or twice each month can go a long way to ensure rejuvenated and fresh skin for a long time to come.

Choose a time when you can be undisturbed and quiet, and get everything ready before you start so that you can relax and really enjoy your time.

Follow the routine below for a quick, at-home facial: 

  • Tie your hair away from your face and neck, using a headband to pull any remaining hair away from your forehead.
  • Begin by removing your makeup using a cleansing cream, oil or balm to remove all residue from the face. Cleanse your face and neck with a good quality cleanser and thoroughly remove. 
  • Prepare a face mask suited to your skin type and the condition that you want to address. On a cleansed face, spread the mask in accordance with the directions on the label or in the DIY recipe you are using. For a facial day, we recommend choosing one that can be left on for 15-20 minutes so that you can lay back and relax while your mask works, but this can also be an excellent time to use an AHA/BHA mask to exfoliate the skin. Note that AHA/BHA masks are typically used for a shorter duration and can sting a bit depending on the type and concentration of the acid(s) used.
  • When the mask is ready to come off, rinse your face and neck with lukewarm water and apply a favorite toner or mist. If you’ve just used an acid mask, a refreshing mist is a nice gentle option, whereas an acid toner might pair well with a more nourishing mask. Don’t go hard on your skin by using highly active products back to back.
  • Now that the skin is thoroughly cleansed and ready, it is time to apply skin serums, facial oils, moisturizing lotions or creams. Spend some time massaging in products using upward, circular motions.

Massaging your Skin

Massaging your face is another essential practice for healthy skin and can also be really relaxing. Massaging is a slow process and the results are obvious only if it is practiced regularly for an extended period of time. That said, there is no doubt that massage is highly beneficial for tightening facial tissues, increasing blood flow, stimulating nerves and thus, boosting collagen production. 

Massage is most effective if the skin is thoroughly cleansed first. Do not forget to remove all traces of makeup, otherwise particles of dirt will end up blocking the pores of the skin. Apply an oil or cream using only enough to give sufficient greasiness to the skin so that the hands and fingers move smoothly on the face.

Press with light but firm fingers, putting a little pressure. Make sure to hold the skin firmly and apply even pressure. The massage should start from the neck and move upwards ending at the forehead or temples.  Veins and tissues get an increased flow of oxygen/ blood supply by this process. The skin around the eyes is delicate so it is advisable to apply cream on this part without pressing it in too deeply. A few minutes of massage each day can be hugely beneficial but if you can make time to massage for 15-20 minutes a couple times a week you will really see a benefit to both your skin and your nervous system.

Massage Techniques

  • Slow Massage – This is the most common method of massage and the most relaxing. The secret is to massage slowly while patting the skin. Using the fleshy part of your finger tips, press the skin lightly with a slow, stroking motion.. The process starts at the base of the neck at a slow speed. Stroking gives rest to the nerves and the vibration is useful in subduing pain that might be caused over more sensitive areas..
  • Fast Massage – The front half of both the palms are used to massage at speed, taking care to make a circular motion upwards
  • Pressure Massage – This is a method when slow, deep pressure is applied by the fingertips and is very effective for removing pouches beneath eyes.

-Stroking Massage – Cheeks are stroked with the tips of fingers and strokes are applied from the nose to the temples on both sides

  • Pinching Massage – Effective for a sagging chin or wrinkles on the jawline, the skin is held, as in pinchers, between the thumb and fingers and gently massaged.
  • Friction Massage – This massage requires pressure on the skin while it is being moved over the underlying bone and muscle structures. Fingers or palms are usually best for this type of massage and hard movements are usually employed on the scalp while light movements are used on the face and neck. 
  • Piano Playing Movements – This exercise develops facial muscles and makes them firm. It should be done with the fingers on the entire face, especially the cheek area.